Water Lily Planning

In this post I’m going to talk about water lily planning. About a month ago I decided to figure out what water lilies I wanted to add to my pond this year and where I was going to put them. I went outside with a sketch of the pond to mark where I was going to put them. After stepping outside and looking at the pond and the sketch I decided I wanted to go hi-tech and take out my drone to take a real photo.

First I started with this photo:

Then I cropped the photo and put it into Microsoft Publisher. Then I put in the water liliesĀ I already had in the pond first. Then I added the new water lilies that I wanted to purchase into the diagram. The result was this image:
droneimagewaterlilies (Small)

I then ordered and received my water lilies. It was then time to fertilizer them. Now I had another need for the diagram because I had a few different kinds of fertilizer and wanted to keep track of what I fertilized with what. This time I wanted most of my water plants diagrammed. So I revisited the diagram and added more to it. The result was this picture:
droneimagewaterplants (Small)

So I saw a great benefit to using my drone to help me create a diagram for the pond. It is easy for me to update this and I hope to take more shots just like this which will help me monitor the progress.




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